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04.10.17 in Healthy Lifestyle

My Morning Ritual

Healthy Eating - My morning ritual

My Morning Ritual

Beauty is always inside out. My morning ritual starts with a beautiful, healthy, and wholesome life is only ensured if you make mindful and healthy choices. You need to adopt a lifestyle that puts you and your health first; then you need to find alternatives in controlling your guilty pleasures.

Since we’re on the topic of lifestyle and healthy habits, allow me to give you a glimpse of mine.


I always begin my day with a healthy start, and as soon as I wake up, I greet my body organs with a nice and tall, hydrating glass of water. The water energizes my body and I can practically feel all my organs waking up and thanking me for the hydration.


My next morning ritual before breakfast comprises of devouring a warm cup of hot soothing tea.

hot teaHere are the ingredients you’ll need to make it:

    Juice of half lemon
    ½ tsp. turmeric
    1 cap full apple cider vinegar
    2 sprinkles of cinnamon powder
    A pinch of cayenne

Toss in the ingredients in warm boiling water and allow them to simmer for about 10 minutes. Enjoy this hot tea before having breakfast.

On most days when I have more time, I usually boil up some turmeric bark, store the bark in the fridge and use the turmeric water to boil in my ingredients. But who has all that time every day? So, it’s always better to have turmeric powder at hand. However, if you’re not a big fan of tea, you can always use these ingredients to fix yourself an Ahir.


On most days, when one is getting ready for work, it is really hard to concentrate on anything except getting ready and grabbing a bite or two before you get drastically late for work, right? And I’m no exception as I really have to push myself and talk myself into putting my health and vitality first.

Your mind keeps telling you to do first things first, and maybe, forget about that healthy hot cup of tea, or a healthy breakfast. But I combat such weak moments through self-talk, where I literally hold conversations with myself, and remind myself to focus on the health, youth, and vitality of my body. I imagine the wonderful feeling that fills up my body after I undertake my healthy habits, like my morning ritual, and it works like a charm.

This healthy imagination has now become just another morning ritual that I simply have to perform in order to start my day on a healthy note. Sure, it took a lot of practice and getting used to, not to forget the horrid laziness, but my body began cherishing this simple act so much that it began craving for it and since I could experience the benefits of this positive ritual myself, I dare not stop.

Today, it has been 5 long years since I began my morning ritual. Over the years, my body and I have grown extremely fond of it. Of course, there were days when I didn’t have a single second to spare, but even on such days, instead of entirely giving up on my ritual, I settled for comprising on a tiny lemon.


When I didn’t really understand the importance of morning rituals, I had a habit of drinking a big mug of coffee and that was pretty much my routine soon after jumping out of bed. But with time, I realised that drinking caffeine early in the morning is not a healthy habit, and quitting it brought several positive changes in my body.

Then, I picked out a breakfast combo of cereals and smoothies with heaps of fruits. But soon, to my despair, I realized that there are certain fruits that are rich in glucose and tend to spike your blood sugar levels such as bananas, melons, mangoes, cranberries, and raisins. Therefore, it is extremely important to limit one’s servings of fruits with heaps of natural sugars, and enjoy them in mindful quantities.

green tea


The blood sugar spike is something extremely dangerous. Even though you don’t realize when your blood sugar level is on the rise, it can cause your body to shut down any time during the day. If you continue with your unhealthy routine which may result in increasing the blood sugar levels on a daily basis, it can lead to a serious chronic ailment or imbalance within your body. Abnormal blood sugar levels can lead to cardiovascular ailments, hypertension, diabetes type 1 & type 2, and several other chronic diseases.

This is when I realized; we human beings are truly what we eat. The nutrients we provide our body determine the health and vitality of our organs and our skin. The morning rituals play a key role in determining your overall health because they are your first nutrient intake of the day, and it is this intake that really determines your energy levels for the day.

As a hair expert I often come across clients who complain about excessive dandruff, particularly on moist and sticky scalps. Now, a sticky dandruff problem speaks volumes about the body’s health from within. It indicates that the body is in need of a cleansing detox session. You see, an early morning detox ritual can work wonders for the health of your scalp, and that’s what I keep advising my clients. A hot cup of lemon tea in the morning is all they really need to bring about a dramatic change in their scalp.

“A long healthy life is no accident. It begins with good genes, but it also depends on good habits.” – Dan Buettner

Remember ladies, the beauty that you see on the outside is actually a direct reflection of the health of your body from the inside. If you fail to nourish your body from deep within, you will fail to beautify your outer appearance because your body, skin, and organs will not be able to stand the ravages of time, illness, pollution, and age.

As a woman, we must hold onto our healthy morning rituals like strong anchors that guard our beauty, preserve our youthfulness, and restore our energies on a daily basis.

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