Lifestyle Hacks For Healthy Habits & Healthy Living

Health is more than just eating healthy food. To truly enjoy your lifestyle, you need a few good healthy habits. A GOOD DIET is what you eat and it contain brain foods that are good for your mind.
Below are a few lifestyle healthy habits that you can put into practice right away. Jim Kwik is one of the world’s most famous brain training coaches. He saids, “1/3 of our memory is predetermined by biology and genetics”.
2/3 twice as much is in our control. Jim also stated that, “we become an average of the five people we spend most of our time”.
So, when we spend our time doing these things more, we are well on our way. That is, to developing healthy habits when we do something over and over. Being disciplined in doing these things is where transformation happens. As such, you’re creating a groove in your mind and changing your mindset and lifestyle.
Lifestyle Healthy Habits
At IIN Integrative Nutrition School, its focus is highly on lifestyle changes. In fact, we’re trained to help clients with these changes. And results start to materialize in about three months.
Before IIN, I remember wanting to learn more about how to live life. Therefore, I invested in myself. Read many self-help books, took some transformation classes, and visited many holistic clinics. All in all, I learned a lot about myself. By the time IIN entered my life, I was ready for the next level of growth.
In a PERFECT world, our parents have all the time to teach us everything we need to know about living. But this is not the reality for most. We go to school to get our education, perhaps take some courses that we can use in our daily life. Then we go out in the real world. And we have to learn another set of life skills as we face the reality of balancing home life work.
Unfortunately, parents, sitters, and the school cannot teach us everything. Like the saying goes, “it takes a village to raise a child”. Let’s not forget we also learn from friends and other people. Also through books, television, and newspapers, which are slowly dissolving. However, the internet, technology, and social media are teaching us in this season of life.
Now let’s look at these suggestions for lifestyle healthy habits.
Your Eating Habits
Do not cook with electricity, for instance, microwave ovens. Use the gas stove when practical. Find a good quality water filter for your water and chew your food well. Thirty seconds per mouthful or more until it becomes liquid. How many of us do this?
Exercise & Meditation
Treat yourself to regular daily quiet time studying, praying, or meditating. Just recharge yourself. Include exercise as part of your everyday life. Experiment with an exercise style that is right for you. Explore yoga, palates, martial arts, walking, bicycling, roller skating, dancing, highlighting, or competitive sports. Yes, become a child again or get involved with your kids.
Relationships keep us warm and nourished. Albeit this may be tricky for some, it’s the most powerful. View everything and everyone you meet with gratitude. Try your best to be on good terms with people. Particularly your significant other, parents, children, siblings, friends, and co-workers. Communicate with them regularly in person or via telephone, video chat, messenger, or email.
This one is so easy for some. Give generously of yourself and resources without sending yourself to an early grave. Live each day happily without focusing on a life problem. Never stop Laughing, smiling, humming, or singing happy songs every day. Foster a sense of humor. Offer thanks before and after meals. Create a positive attitude and a beautiful environment around you. And enjoy becoming healthier and happier every step of the way!
Practice scrubbing your body to increase circulation. Scrub your entire body with a wet scrub cloth morning and /or night. Avoid clothing that is synthetic or woolen directly on your skin. Instead, choose 100% cotton clothing most often. Try natural toothpaste. Limit excessive jewelry on your body so that your natural energy can circulate more freely.
Home Practices
Keep your home clean and in good order, including kitchen, bathroom, bedroom, and living room. If you can, include large green plants in every room of your home and office. Doing so keeps things fresh and increase the oxygen content of the air. Also, minimize television watching or keep it a reasonable distance away from you.
Learn Something Each Day
Never stop learning! Take an online class, learn on YouTube, or read books. This is what #insideoutbeauty looks like for us.
I hope you enjoyed it!
DISCLAIMER: The content in this blog is for informational purposes only. And not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or replace your healthcare professional’s advice and guidance. If you suspect a medical condition, please seek medical attention immediately.