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Turn your body into the temple it was meant to be and your hair into its proper crowning glory with my best tips for vibrant health.
01.16.18 in Healthy Hair

Healthy Hair Expresses a Healthy Lifestyle: The Cosmetologist’s View

Healthy Hair Expresses a Healthy Lifestyle: The Cosmetologist’s View

Healthy Hair Expresses a Healthy Lifestyle: The Cosmetologist’s View

Lustrous, beautiful and healthy hair is a result of a healthy body and a healthy diet. I have spent the past 20 years in my career as a cosmetologist, researching and experimenting to single out the beauty secret behind a healthy body and strong hair. My experience has proved that the human body, from scalp to your toes, requires nourishment to stay fit, healthy, and naturally beautiful. It is almost like tending a flower and watching it bloom under your nourishing care. This implies that your body needs a healthy and well-balanced diet, and fewer toxins or chemicals to stunt its growth. Consistent nurturing will make your body healthy, and you will feel nourished, strong and beautiful.

I have discovered through my experience that your hair will always reflect the health and living conditions of your scalp, along with the rest of your body where you have hair growth. Now I have a news flash for all those who strongly believe in chemical infused hair products and treatments that cost millions of dollars. The truth is, unnatural and significant hair loss will only occur if the particular part of your body where hairs grow is suffering through a problem.

Research reveals that each strand of the human hair is just as essential as any other part of the body, be it your heart or your legs. Your hair can also feel sick and eventually, if they go on unnourished and uncared for, they die like all living beings do.

Over the years, I have helped countless clients nourish and nurture their damaged hair back to a shiny, silky health. Each distressed client that walked into my door with a hair problem, I have seen the damage that coarse chemical products can do to the scalp and how they stunt hair growth. I always begin by observing the scalp and rooting all out signs of skin inflammation or skin disorder. Then, I feel their scalp, hair strands, and roots to assess the damage that has been done. Once I have identified the problem, I begin my treatment to restore the health of their hair, along with their natural strength and longevity.

As a cosmetologist, treating hair is the job that I take most pleasure in. I help my clients identify the best suited treatment or hair conditioners for their hair type. Each treatment is designed to pass through the cuticle, and penetrate deep into the cortex so that it can infuse the hair with the keratin it has lost. The treatments work on beautifying the appearance, equalize porosity, and increase the elasticity of the hair to make them healthy and strong.

I always instruct my clients that they must look after their hair and nourish them as they take care of their whole body. Like I said, hair is much like all living organisms around us, and we must look after them like we look after our children, our pets, our friends, and all those that we care for; when nurtured, they will grow strong and look beautiful.

Indeed, hair is that one natural tool that allows you to see the effects of age, illness, mood, and environment as you move from infancy to old age. When your environment or lifestyle changes, it reflects on your hair, and if your body is unhealthy and malnourished, your hair simply cannot be bouncy and strong. A weak, brittle, and sick human body cannot provide sufficient care to the hair. Truth be told, there is no beauty secret, no chemical escape, and no treatment that is more effective and vital than a healthy lifestyle. It takes consistency, dedication, and effort to stay true to the promise of nurturing yourself. Remember, there is no greater hair care than a simple, wholesome, and healthy lifestyle.

The Internal Remedy

20 long years in this profession have taught me that products and chemicals alone are not enough to nurture your hair. It is essential and vital that you are internally strong, healthy, and fit for the hair to be healthy and lustrous. Most clients who come to see me complain of lack of time and an inability to properly look after their hair. Thus, they seek quick solutions to fix hair damage. Each time I try to tell them there is no easy or quick solution, I remember something a client once said to me,

People today live very busy lives, which has resulted in not having enough time to focus on their internal health. They are only interested in wearing the good clothes, shoes, driving the flashy cars and making lots of money so as to be called “rich”. They forget to eat good foods and mostly depend on eating junk and taking supplements.

Popping vitamins is great – but hey, if you think it can replace the nutrition and energy that real food, fruits and vegetables can infuse your body with, think again. I have treated many clients who have suffered hair damage and scalp damage due to a lack of a wholesome diet consisting of replenishing foods, a lack of exercise, and not drinking enough water. I always stress my clients to understand that the health of their hair is tied to the health of their body, and for that, they must always look towards nature and let it nurture them.

It is essential to improve the health of the immune system and lead a healthy, well-balanced life. One can achieve this by consuming foods that are easily digestible, drinking sufficient water and maintaining a good fitness regime. Fruits, vegetables, nuts, whole grains, and all other essential nutrients must be a vital part of your daily diet. You must exercise regularly to make sure your body stays fit, and meditate to give your mind a soulful peace and serenity. If you’re fond of popping vitamins, why not opt for the non-toxic vitamins, herbs, supplements, and herbal teas instead? These are rich in minerals and antioxidants that are perfect to replenish your mind and body. So tell me now, how difficult is to nurture your body, and lead a wholesome and healthy life? When you’ll adopt a healthy lifestyle and a natural, wholesome diet, your body will detoxify on its own, and yield good gut bacteria that will in turn boost your immune system, and invigorate your mind and body. Needless to say, you’ll save your body from a great deal of harm and your hair from any sort of damage.

What Can Happen When you don’t care about your hair and your health

As I mentioned above, your hair reflect everything felt by your body. Just like the human body, human hair also undergoes different cycles linked with the seasons and years of your life and the aging process itself. Quite simply, the hair pass through the cycle of growth, and when life comes to an end, they too reach their rest period where they stop growing. Therefore, it is crucial that you identify these changes and respond to the needs of your hair and body accordingly.

If you detect signs of aging in your body, or perhaps, you are undergoing bodily experiences due to some sort of hormonal imbalance, a thyroid condition, stress disorder, age-related diseases or an unhealthy lifestyle, you will also experience a change in the health of your hair. However, these changes vary across genders and people. But then, how is it different for men? Why do older women have heads full of pale and light hair while grandpas are mostly bald or balding? Improper care of the immune system has been identified as a major cause of early baldness in young men.

There are several hair disorders, for instance, Androgenic Alopecia and Alopecia Aerate. Both these diseases are autoimmune diseases, caused by hormonal or genetic changes as well as due to aging. These changes affect the miniaturization of terminal hair, and transform them into vellus hair. The onset of Androgenic Alopecia can also take place in teenage years, but it is mostly seen around the age of 40. Research reveals that by the time we reach the age of 35, both men and women begin experiencing hair loss to an extent.

Alopecia Areate is an autoimmune diseases that damages the hair and stunts their growth. The hair follicles are attacked by the patient’s immune system, and the white blood cells stop hair growth. In its early stages, Alopecia Areata is identified by one or more small, round and smooth bald patches that appear on the scalp. Eventually, it can accelerate the hair loss until the whole scalp is bald, also referred to as Alopecia Totalis. It may also spread and cause hair loss on the entire body, referred to as Alopecia Universalis.

Alopecia Areata can occur across all genders, ages and races, and mostly onsets during childhood. In most cases, the scalp does not exhibit any signs of inflammation or damage, and it can even be contracted by the people who have never suffered from a skin disease. However, cosmetologists are still working on the remedies of this disorder. Thus, far, the experimentation has revealed that healthy and wholesome eating habits that improve the immune system of the patient can diminish the effect of this disease and restore hair growth.

We all come from different walks of life, and no one can identify and understand the needs of our body better than us. So to walk down the path of healthy and well-balanced choices, you need to understand your body and hair, and establish a relationship of care and nurture. If you do not have time to start your own health regime, find yourself a credible hair stylist. If you come to me, I will make sure to identify all changes and needs in your body and hair, and suggest the best possible remedies to restore your health and beauty. When I find any signs of hair or scalp diseases in my clients, I immediately refer them to a credible dermatologist to contain and eliminate the damage at once.

In Summary

It is imperative that you seek professional and there are countless organizations that are doing some great work to raise awareness about these hair conditions. The National Psoriasis Foundation is quite possibly the most reliable source of information in your community.

However, you must never forget that nothing, I repeat absolutely nothing, can replace the nutrition and nourishment that healthy and wholesome food, personal hygiene, exercise and fitness, a good follicle shampoo and a professional hair stylist can provide to ensure the longevity and beauty of your hair!

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