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02.26.18 in Healthy Lifestyle

Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Different Meals For Each Morning

Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Different Meals For Each Morning

Healthy Breakfast Ideas: Different Meals For Each Morning

While you struggle for healthy breakfast ideas and a gourmet breakfast may not be a realistic everyday goal, that doesn’t mean we should settle for a sugar rush that will leave us hungry and sad just a half hour later.

It is said that breakfast is the most important meal of the day for a reason. According to a recent survey, women who ate breakfast were more successful with long-term weight loss than those who regularly skipped the first meal of the day. Eating breakfast can help prevent overeating later in the day because it revs up your metabolism for the day ahead.

A healthy first meal has been linked to boosted brainpower and mental performance throughout the day. This reinforces the importance of breakfast being the most important meal of the day.

When put into practice, you would be very surprised how many healthy breakfast ideas require very little effort.

As a way of tuning into your body and learning to listen to its messages, explore eating a different breakfast every day for a week. Jot down what you eat and how you feel, both right after eating and again two hours later. Sit quietly after you eat and reflect. Note how your energy level, your moods and your physical symptoms are affected by the food in your body.

Expand your horizon and try these 7 healthy breakfast meals.

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Day 1: Eggs
Day 2: Scrambled tofu
Day 3: Oatmeal or any grain product
Day 4: Boxed breakfast cereal
Day 5: Muffin and coffee
Day 6: Fresh fruit
Day 7: Fresh vegetables

Here’s a handy worksheet to help you keep track of what you eat each morning.

In Summary

You may discover from this exercise that you are unusually sensitive to certain foods. A food sensitivity or allergy may be your body’s way of telling you to start eating foods more appropriate for your current life goals. After your week of different breakfast meals, comment below and let me know what you discovered!

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