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04.25.23 in Healthy Lifestyle

How To Feed Your Soul With Primary Food

How To Feed Your Soul With Primary Food

How To Feed Your Soul With Primary Food
At Integrative Nutrition, we studied a lot about primary food and secondary food. Soul food is a primary food that is vital for a better life and longevity.

We hear a lot of talk about nutrition in the form of food. However, I want to talk about what is considered primary food. They are not food but things that bring nourishment and peace at a spiritual and emotional level. We could say that these things are “soul food.”

Perhaps “soul food” of emotional well-being is what you’re lacking? The concept of food that’s primary is an idea developed by IIN integrative nutrition,” which includes the people in our lives, our friends, family, the physical activity we practice, spirituality practices, hobbies, traditions, places, laughter, prayers, and a satisfying career. All these are things that feed us.

These things bring us nourishment, happiness, and purposeful fulfillment on a spiritual or soul level. The Lack of this food creates over-reliance on secondary, which is edible food. Which can cause cravings and even weight gain and distorts your relationship with food. Could this be that the critical component to overcoming food addiction and overeating is to focus more on our passion, connection, and life purpose?

Primary Food

When reviewing over 160 humans and animals, University of Illinois scientists, studies show that happiness and satisfaction lead to better health outcomes and increased longevity. One of the most critical components is our spiritual life. Research has proven that those with spiritual practice, whether religious or otherwise, significantly reduce mortality rates. The evidence was so compelling that spiritual practice had been deemed as important to your health as consuming enough fruits and vegetables.

Finding activities you enjoy

We are all born with talents and gifts as we get to know ourselves and restore our mindset. Ask yourself these questions may discover what you enjoy. Can you remember what you enjoyed as a child? How about something you always wanted to do and never did it? What was the last thing you did that made you feel accomplished? Perhaps it’s something you have not taped into yet, or it may be something you’re doing and don’t know it’s your happy place.

Hobbies, activities you enjoy, such as art, crafting, exercising, or playing a musical instrument, benefit your physical and mental health. An article published by Forbes, Howard, Tinsley, professor emeritus of psychology at Southern Illinois University, explains that adults who engage in a healthy leisure activity or “play” reported great satisfaction in life and function better in society. These activities release stress. It’s not unproductive, but it nourishes your soul.

I hope you enjoyed it!


DISCLAIMER: The content in this blog is for informational purposes only. And not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or replace your healthcare professional’s advice and guidance. If you suspect a medical condition, please seek medical attention immediately.

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