What Exactly Is Holistic Detox and Why Is It Superior To All Kinds Of Detox Programs?
Holistic detox works with the complete person. This approach considers many factors that can contribute to overall health. It’s not only diet and exercise but also spiritual and emotional. Even mental health plays a vital role in reaching and maintaining a healthy weight.
Please understand that you’re not just your skin, bones, muscle tissue, hair, digestive and other organs. You’re worth more than that. You’re also not just different parts or anatomical items and tissue.
The best way to explain holistic detox is to look at the brain. The brain comprises billions, if not trillions, of nerve cells. It is constantly bathing in potent neurotransmitter chemicals. As such, it’s one of the most complicated organic mechanisms in the universe. But nobody would actually look at the brain and say it is a mind.
When you look at a brain disconnected from the body, it is just a clump of tissue. Albeit a very powerful clump, capable of so much, but it’s still a clump. It has to be alive and fed experiences. Consciousness and self-aware are also attributes of the brain. In other words, it needs to be part of a system.
What Is Holistic Detox?
Similar to the brain, the mind involves memories, perceptions, mindsets, attitudes, and perspectives. I bring up this example because many people look at detoxification similarly. Many people are missing many of the attributes of what it means to detox their body. They see their bodies as hermetically sealed off or surgically removed from the intangibles.
This is a severe mistake. It is no surprise that a lot of detox programs are currently being promoted as failures. In fact, they’re not close to delivering the benefits they’re supposed to bring. How can they? Most detox programs focus on working only with your body, blood chemistry, and other physical elements.
But the reality is that you are more than the sum of your parts and your body. You’re more than your ability to perceive. In essence, you’re also your experiences, memories and potential. And don’t forget your mindset. For example, look at a person’s life before and after they develop Alzheimer’s. They are an entirely different person. It is very tragic when you see this person, complete, beautiful, deep, integrated, completely wiped of their personhood. All you see is somebody who is physically there, not much else.
Realize that you are doing the same. You might think you are a fully functional human who can make things happen and is responsible for everything. This might seem to be the case. But do you find yourself going in circles or constantly making the same bad decisions? If yes, then you may not be as free as you think you are.
You need to choose to wake up to the invisible toxins pushing you to run your life into the ground. Otherwise, you won’t be able to achieve the kind of victories that take you to the next level. That is, next level of self-awareness or full functionality. So, learn to let go of unseen toxins.
To understand the most effective way to do a holistic detox, download this book today and change your life. Take it to the next level.
I hope you enjoyed it!
DISCLAIMER: The content in this blog is for informational purposes only. And not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any medical condition or replace your healthcare professional’s advice and guidance. If you suspect a medical condition, please seek medical attention immediately.
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