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06.22.22 in Healthy Lifestyle

Detoxification and Fasting/Master Cleanse Recipe

Detoxification and Fasting
Most of us take food loading with white flour, refined sugar, artificial oils, genetically engineered proteins, chemical preservatives, and food with artificial colors. It causes our bodies to waste disposal ripe for the growth of bacteria, viruses, funguses, and cancer cells. These toxic wastes are stored primarily in the liver and fat cells. Removing them from our bodies is called detoxification.

So, how to do it? How do you detoxify the chemicals building up in your body, making you vulnerable to diseases? The most straightforward answer to this question is fasting. It is a great way to detoxify your body. When you fast, you give the organs involved in digestion a break. It gives them the scope to clean the toxins naturally. Surprisingly, fasting three days a month can reset your immune system, making it stronger and more active to help fight off infectious illnesses and degenerative diseases.


Immunity is our focus these days. However, Fasting not only helps your immune system fight off diseases but is also recommended for better health and longer life expectancies. Scientific research proves that fasting three days a month, you will heal faster and may extend your life by several years.

The human body is incredible. Its capability is limitless. But the modern, comfortable lifestyle makes us tired, weak, and overweight. Fasting brings the body back to doing what it was designed to do. Do you want to feel lighter, better, and energetic? Do you want to feel the power the incredible capability of your body? If you do, fasting is the best option.


The 23 hours of fasting does not mean not taking anything at all. We will take a master to cleanse throughout the day. Sometimes it is called the Lemonade Diet; a 10- to 40-day juice cleanse designed to help people lose weight quickly. It aims to cleanse the body of harmful chemicals and toxins by drinking a lemon beverage made with maple syrup and cayenne. Let’s have a look at the recipe of the master cleanse we will take:
1. The first ingredient of the master cleanse recipe is distilled spring water.
2. The next item is the master cleanse lemonade. It is made as follows:
a. 10 ounces of pure water,
b. Two tablespoons of fresh-squeezed lemon juice,
c. Two tablespoons of pure grade B maple syrup, and
d. 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper.
3. And the final ingredient is alkaline water.

‘While practicing 23 hours of fasting with a master cleanse, we must avoid all solid food. Only the liquids mentioned above are allowed.’


All you need is to maintain hydration for your body for 23 hours by drinking the cleanse lemonade. This lemonade is to clean the harmful chemicals and toxins in your body. So, do not overdrink.

One of the purposes of the master cleanse is detoxification. Do you want to remove toxic substances from your body? It is a great way to reduce inflammation, purify your blood, and lose weight. If you cannot sleep well, detoxification can help.

The master cleanses lemonade for detoxification. So, the question is, when should we take the master to cleanse lemonade? During this 23-hour fast, whenever you feel hungry, take this lemonade. At least six times a day. But don’t overdrink it. Let your body absorb it. Relax and give it the time to detoxify your body.
If you feel thirsty, take a little water and continue till evening. Then it is time to take alkaline water. From the evening till you go to bed, alkaline water is the only thing you should take.


The purpose of this content is information sharing only. Please note that it is not intended as a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider’s advice with any questions regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on these pages. Reliance on any information provided by The Better Nutrition Program, companies, or professionals contributing content as part of these publications is solely at your own risk. At times, Marcey’s holistic, certified practitioner developed and reviewed all materials in conjunction with other leading healthcare practitioners

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