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05.18.22 in Beauty & Wellness

24 Hours Fasting


The Beginners Journey towards Fascinating Results

Digestion is a complex & monotonous process for the human body. Relief from it allows our systems to focus on other tasks to maintain better health. And fasting is an effective way to help our bodies to do other things aside from digestion. Fasting has been an old practice in many cultures and religions for centuries. However, the recent scientific proof of the incredible benefits of fasting has brought it to the spotlight.
After months of research, this course has been prepared to help and guide beginners to fast for 24 hours. It starts with the top five benefits of 24 hours of fasting. Then it teaches the beginners to do it properly. There is no doubt that you are very excited to learn more. Let’s get started.

24 Hours Fasting – Five Incredible Benefits
Many incredible and powerful benefits of 24 hours fasting have been discovered through scientific research. And there is no doubt that many more are yet to come. The more you study the positive impact of fasting, the more interested you become. However, the top 5 most fascinating benefits are:

1) It is a better way to lose weight and cholesterols,
2) Fasting has a fantastic influence increasing on growth hormone production,
3) Fasting is the natural anti-aging potion,
4) It resets the immunity system and strengthens it and
5) It makes us more productive.

There are many more mind-blowing benefits of fasting. Although it has been an ancient practice in many cultures and religions, the benefits of fasting recently drew the scientific community’s attention. Let’s have a quick look at the scientific fact about the benefits of 24 hours fasting.

A Better Way to Lose Weight

A study published in Nutrition Review of OXFORD Academic Journal proves that 24 hours fast cycle for around three weeks can reduce the body weight by 3% to 9%. Another surprising fact reveals by this research is that 24 hours fast reduces cholesterols by up to 20%. If you want to give your dream of having a perfect body a chance, try it.

Boosts Growth Hormone Production

Fasting and other lightweight exercises such as walking, weight lifting, shoulder stretching, etc., boost the growth hormone production regardless of age. The more we age, the less the growth hormone our bodies produce. And thus, we experience muscle loss and bone density reduction. The 24 hours of fasting can prevent it.

It Helps You with Anti-Aging

The 24 hours of fasting is the true anti-aging potion. The natural anti-aging process called autophagy replaces damaged cells with healthier cells yielding youth. However, our eating habit suppresses autophagy and accelerate the aging process. The 24 hours of fasting push the body to consume damaged cells to produce energy. It opens the scope for autophagy to regenerate healthier cells faster. And thus, the aging process starts reversing itself, which is called true anti-aging.

Strengthen the Immunity

During the 24 hours fasting period, the body naturally consumes damaged and unused cells as alternative energy sources. In this process, millions of damaged immune cells are consumed, and new healthier immune cells are reproduced. As a result, the body’s immunity system becomes much stronger.
It Provides Enhanced Productivity.

There are the natural characteristics of any mammal. A full and satisfied stomach reduces the alacrity instantly. When we fast for 24 hours, the body consumes existing glucose and burns the fat to supply energy. This process generates a chemical substance called ketone. The ketones improve the concentration level and boost productivity.

Who doesn’t want a lightweight body with strong immunity and a natural anti-aging mechanism? It is everybody’s dream, a heavenly wish. The 24 hours of fasting can fulfill this dream. Doesn’t it worth the slight pain it costs to gain these incredible benefits? Well, we all know the answer. Let’s help you with the procedure to fast for 24 hours.

How to do a 24 Hours Fast?

A 24-hour fast means taking food once in 24 hours. It is simple and straightforward. You can do it from breakfast to breakfast, lunch to lunch, or dinner to dinner. You need to ensure that you are not taking anything during this 24-hour fasting period. And that’s it. This is how to do 24 hours fast.

24 Hours Fasting – the Beginners Journey!

This lesson is for beginners who want to start 24-hours fast. Although the process is straightforward, it raises a few questions. Mostly the beginners ask these questions before starting. So, let’s emphasize it first.

One of the frequently asked questions is if there are any rules for taking food before and after the fast? Many people take medication regularly. Depending on the purpose of the medicine, there are 8 hours, 12 hours, and 24 hours cycles. What should they do if they want to fast for 24 hours? Another common question is about the food. What type of food should someone take before starting to fast? And what type of food is most appropriate to break the 24 hours fast?

How do a 24 Hours Fast if I need to Take Medicine Every 8 Hours or 12 Hours?

Let’s start with the first question. It is more challenging for people who depends on the medication. If it is a short-term medication for some temporary medical condition, we recommend starting the Journey 24 hours fast after recovering from it. However, there are many long-term medical conditions, and the patient needs to take medicine to stay well. If the medication cycle is 24 hours, the patient needs to take medicine once in 24 hours; then, things become simple. The drug should be taken while taking the food. However, if the medication cycle is 8 hours or 12 hours, it is a different scenario. In this case, a consultation with the physician is mandator to adjust the dose. Do not worry if you have a condition where you need to take medicine every 8 or 12 hours. Your physicians can change the quantity and help you with a 24 hours medication cycle.

What type of food should I take to start 24 hours fast?

You cannot take food or drink in the next 24 hours – sounds scary? Do you think you should fill every inch of your stomach with food and drink to get ready for it? This is a common mistake almost everyone makes while preparing for 24 hours fast. Overeating is the first thing you should avoid to prepare your body it. And here is the food habit you should maintain:

1) First, you must ensure the calories you need during the fasting period. And thus, add calorie-enriched food to your menu before starting fasting. Some nutrient-enriched suggested food items are beans, lentils, eggs, fish, nuts, and avocado. However, you can choose your menu as long as it is nutrient-dense food rich in protein.
2) Secondly, you have to maintain hydration. Before starting the 24 hours fast, drink an adequate amount of water. Make sure you drink calorie-free drinks.
3) Finally, include low-calorie foods enriched in fivers like popcorn, raw vegetables, and fruits with high water content, such as grapes and melon. This type of food will suppress hunger and will help you remain hydrated.

Now that you know what you should take before starting the fast, let’s move on to the next big question.
What is the best way to break the fast?
After 24 hours fast, it is customary to be crazy for food. However, you must remember that you are doing it for a cause. So please do not ruin it for some temporary pleasure. Here is how you should break the fast:

1) Start with the water. Drink enough water but slowly.
2) then take fruits and vegetables in small amounts.
3) Take some easy-to-digest foods such as steamed vegetables and lean meat.
4) Take your time and eat slowly. A study published in Taylor & Francis Online recommends chewing 30 times for each bite.

You are doing 24 hours fast for a purpose. Do not rush to make up for the lost calories by eating as much as possible. Take a moderate amount of food to suppress your hunger, and then stop. And remember, it is not the time to experiment with new food. Sometimes trying new food after fasting causes digestive problems. So, be cautious. I prefer taking foods your body agrees with.

Anything is difficult at the beginning. And so is the 24 hours fast. It is wise to start with 12 hours. Then extend it to 16 hours. Finally, push your limit to 24 hours. Remember, you cannot get the benefits of 24 hours fast by pushing your body if it is not ready for it. And thus, prepare yourself for it first. Once you are ready, maintain a cycle of doing 24 hours fast once or twice a week for the best results.

The purpose of this content is information sharing only. Please note that it is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified health provider with any questions you have regarding a medical condition. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking it because of something you have read on these pages. Reliance on any information provided by The Better Nutrition Program, companies, or professionals contributing content as part of these publications is solely at your own risk. At times, Marcey’s holistic, certified practitioner developed and reviewed all materials in conjunction with other leading healthcare practitioners.


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